Friday, January 28, 2011

Some naked youtube stuff x
A naked review of the news
Well it may be a rushed jittery job but at least I got one up this week and thanks to lighting it looks great with sound off. I have had a very grumpy evening trying to get this done, I  shoot using the massive pile of books instead of a tripod method, which is certainly fun but I hadn't noticed it slip so one news story was of my foot, insert expletive of your choice.
I will be honest but short when I say I am feeling a bit sorry for myself tonight as I am ill. I will not go into details so please don't ask but I think I will feel better for telling you just that much. Please think positive thoughts on Monday 8.30 as I go to the doctors and I am so scared I may have to take time off work (nope not a work related injury).

Bar the early start and the travel tomorrow will cheer me up I have a full day of Satine and working with the tranisa